Wednesday 6 November 2013


Hope you enjoy!!
  1. JAIL TIME: Several years ago I sent my son to jail.  He hit his sister and I told him when boys that hit girls, they go to jail.  I put him under the kitchen table, put a barrier around it and didn’t let him out for the rest of the night.   He has never hit her since.
  2. NIGHT TIME CHORES: My son told me 1 million times over a 5 day period that he would mow the yard.  Guess what, HE DIDN’T.  I made him mow at nighttime with a headlamp and car lights as his guide.  When your kids continue to put it off, make them do night time chores.  Your kids will learn the lesson if you make them get out of bed and take a midnight stroll to take out the trash, mow the yard or make them get out of bed to put the dishes up…you get the idea.
  3. MISS A GAME: My son is taking snowboard training from former Olympic Coaches, it is called Steamboat Spr

    ings Winter Sports Club.  He continually forgets his ski pass, so this past weekend I made him miss practice.  Parents, if your kids continually forget or misplace their cleats, glove, hats, mouthpiece, dance shoes.  Teach them to remember by making them skip that practice or a game…don’t bail them out or they will never learn.
  4. OLD SCHOOL SOAP TRICK: If your kids are caught lying, wash their mouth out with soap.  Old School but it still works.
  5. PAY THE PIPER: My oldest son Cole struggles with being negative.  My middle daughter, who is tough as nails, struggles with being bossy (she thinks she is the boss of the world).  My youngest son Tifton struggles with sharing.  Jodie and I put 3 jars on the counter and each time they blow it (in their area of struggle) they have to PAY THE PIPER (put a dollar in).  At the end of the week, the jar w/ the least amount of money…get it all!
  6. GIVE GRACE: I mentioned this earlier in the week.  I am mentioning it again, hoping that it sticks.  There are times when our kids really blow it and all the discipline they need is love.  Really!  IF their attitude is right, give them grace and irrationally forgive and wipe away the punishment.
  7. YOU HAVE TO CRY: If your kids are throwing fits…”Tell your child to go to her room to continue her fit. She isn’t allowed to come out and she has to keep crying for 10 minutes. Ten minutes is an awfully long time, and it’s no fun if your parents tell you to cry.”  Taken from Lisa Whelchel’s book, “Creative Correction“.
  8. COLLABORATIVE WINDOW CLEANING: I just got this one in from my friend Jennie Poppenger, btw…she is a social media & marketing expert if you need help in this area.  She said “if your kids are bickering, make them wash opposite sides of a window at the same time. They can’t help making faces at each other and pretty soon they’re laughing!”
  9. LET THEM DECIDE: I am notorious for bringing this one to the table.  I let my kids choose their own discipline.  Why?  I trust them and they typically have a pretty good idea what punishment fits.
  10. HEAD GEAR: This is the worst punishment any kid could have!

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